My ServiceFellow – The real world version of Emoments!

As it usually happens, great ideas are never truly unique. Our whole history of inventions and development rests in the shoulders of giants. The real trick lies in taking ideas to the next level and making them become a reality. And this is exactly what I just came across.

While working on eMoments, the mobile app concept I developed as part of my MSc. graduation project I came in contact with Marc Stickdorn, from the Management Center Innsbruk and co-author of the great book “This is Service Design Thinking”. Marc did a great job in helping me understand what services and service design in particular was all about.

Unfortunately for me, the eMoments project remained in a concept phase, but as it turns out, Marc was working in parallel on a very similar application to what I had in mind. An application that has gone through a lengthy design and testing process (which I want to believe was also influenced by my own project somehow 🙂 ) and which is now almost ready to be released into the wild.

The result? My ServiceFellow! a mobile application that allows you to capture feedback moments during service experiences. It allows your clients to record their satisfaction levels at any given moment of the service journey and through the use of photos, videos, texts and voice recordings, identify the service touchpoint that triggered the reaction.

I had completely forgotten about this project, but today I was very pleased to rediscover it, and it just makes me very happy to see that the idea has finally seen the light of day. Even though not entirely the same as the eMoments concept which was focused more on the emotional experience of services (hey! who knows? maybe Marc is willing to implement this aspect in the next version of the app! 🙂 ), it is great to see the concept being applied in the real world and I can’t wait to give it a try as soon as it’s available.

Check out the video bellow for a full description of the app, and don’t forget to visit the official website to get more info and a release date!

[vimeo video_id=”34160910″ width=”630″ height=”354″ title=”Yes” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]