So what do you feel in a hotel???

hotel_surveyI haven’t published much lately, due mostly to the fact that I started with my graduation project. But OK, it was time to get back on this, and what a better way than to ask for help with the project itself!

For my MSc. Graduation project, I’m conducting a small study regarding the emotions you experience while in a hotel, and I’d like to ask your help remembering some of the times that you have stayed in a hotel and tell me some of the things you’ve experienced by using the following online survey:

It can take as little as 5 minutes to help a bit and I will really appreciate your time and effort.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the study or what I will do with its results, I’ll be glad to answer any doubts, so just drop me a line.

And if you are curious as to exactly what I’m doing with my project, you can take a look at my proposal which is in the PDF below.

[UPDATE: you can now actually find the results and a scientific paper regarding the study HERE]